Privacy Policy

Websonic IT Services Private Limited (“we”, “us”, or “our”) owns fabcrab. We give major emphasis on safeguarding our users (“you”, “your”) privacy. Your trust in us is very important to us, and we recognize the importance of secure transactions and the privacy of your personal information. In this Privacy Policy, we describe how we collect, use, share, protect, or otherwise handle personal information that you provide to us. By visiting fabcrab, providing your information or availing any product/service offered by us, you expressly agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree please do not use or access fabcrab.    

Information Collection     
When you use fabcrab, or otherwise interact with us during the course of our relationship, we collect your personal information relating to your identity, demographics, and other information you provide from time to time. Our collection of information may include, but is not limited to, information you provide to us during sign-up/registration or use of fabcrab, such as your name, date of birth, address, telephone number, email address, and billing information. Aside from this, we may also collect non personal information such as your IP address, browser type, and device information. We use this information to conduct research on the demographics, interests, and behavior of our users in an effort to provide them with a better service.     

Use of  Information     
In order to provide you with the services you request, we use personal information. We use your personal information for the following purposes:   

  • To assist sellers and business partners in handling and fulfilling orders.  
  • Enhancing customer experience.  
  • To resolve disputes, troubleshoot problems, help promote a safe service, measure consumer interest in our products and services.  
  • Inform you about online and offline offers, products, services, and updates.  
  • Customize your experience.  
  • Detect and protect us against error, fraud and other criminal activity.  
  • Enforce our terms and conditions.   
  • Conduct marketing research, analysis and surveys.    

As part of our efforts to analyze the flow of our website, measure promotional effectiveness, and promote trust and safety, we use data collection methods such as cookies. Cookies are small files that are stored on your hard drive in order to enable us to provide you with our services. Cookies do not contain any of your personal information. Some of our features are only available through the use of cookies. So, if you disable cookies you might not be able to access certain features provided by us.    

Information Sharing    
The information we collect from you will not be sold or leased to third parties for any kind of marketing purposes. However, we may share your personal information to trusted service providers such as payment processors, transportation companies, and IT support to improve the quality of our services.    

These third-party partners are bound by confidentiality agreements and may only use your information in accordance with their specific responsibilities for facilitating our operations. Aside from this, if required by law or if it is necessary to protect our rights, privacy, safety, or property, we may disclose your information.    

Security Precautions   

In order to protect your personal information from unauthorized access or disclosure, loss or misuse, we employ reasonable security practices and procedures, such as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption, firewalls, and access controls. Our systems are continually updated to ensure that your personal information is protected against any hacking or virus dissemination. As a result of using fabcrab, users accept the security implications associated with data transmission over the internet, which cannot always be guaranteed to be fully secure. It is therefore the responsibility of users to ensure that their account details are protected.  


Your Rights   

You are able to access, correct, and update your personal information directly through the functionalities provided on fabcrab. You can also reach out to us through the information provided in the “Contact Us” section of the website if you require any assistance. It is also possible for you to withdraw your consent that you have already provided by writing to us through    


Use of Children’s Information  

Use of fabcrab is available only to individuals who are above the age of 18. We do not knowingly solicit or collect personal information from children under 18 years of age. Individuals under the age of 18 can still avail our services if they have their parents' or guardians' consent. We would appreciate it if you would contact us immediately if you believe that we have inadvertently collected information from a minor. As soon as possible, we will remove the information.   


Links to External Websites  

Fabcrab contains links to other websites that may collect personal information about you. Please note that we are not responsible for the privacy practices or content of those linked websites. Please review the privacy policies and practices of the third party websites you visit.   


Choice/Opt Out   

Upon registering an account, all users have the option to opt out of receiving non-essential (promotional, marketing-related) communications from us. To unsubscribe from promotional communications such as newsletters from us, please click on the unsubscribe link in the email or contact our customer support team.   

Changes to Privacy Policy   

We encourage you to review our Privacy Policy periodically for any changes. This Privacy Policy may be updated to reflect changes to our information practices. When significant changes are made, we will post them on our website and send you an email notification.     

Contact Us   

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, concerns, or requests regarding our Privacy Policy. Our goal is to    
respond to your inquiries as quickly and efficiently as possible.      

Company Name: Websonic IT Services Private Limited  
Address: Shop No. 2A-1 Zainab Apt Jumma Masjid Road, Kalwa, Thane, Thane, Maharashtra, India, 400605.  
Phone No: +91 9004657924 / 8779681348